Bige Pige Blog

African Woman Shaman

Curse of the Shaman’s Ebony Feet: A Spoiled Blonde’s Transformation into a Foot Slave F/F


This story follows the journey of Brittany, a 22-year-old spoiled college student who travels to Africa to help an African tribe through a non-governmental organization (NGO). However, the female shaman, Makeda, starts despising her because of her spoiled attitude. In an act of revenge, Makeda curses Brittany with a spell that makes her obsessed with Makeda’s beautiful ebony feet and her pretty soles with a lighter skin tone. As Brittany’s obsession grows she ends up becoming Makeda’s foot slave and spends the rest of her trip being used as Makeda’s personal foot slave in her hut. Spending some nights worshiping Makeda’s feet at the foot of her bed. Brittany is lost in an arousal trance from sniffing the glorious smell in between Makeda’s toes.

Will Brittany ever break free from Makeda’s curse or will she embrace it and end up worshiping Makeda’s feet for the rest of her life?

Warning: This story will delve into some sensitive political, socioeconomic, and racial topics that may offend or upset some people. If you are the type of person that easily gets offended I recommend you stop reading this story right now and go read another story. The author and publisher of this story do not condone any form of discrimination or prejudice towards any individual or group based on their race, country of birth, gender, sexuality, religion, or any other personal characteristic. Furthermore, it is important to note that the political and prejudicial views expressed by any fictional characters in this story do not necessarily reflect the views of the author. The characters in this story are purely fictional and their views and actions should not be taken as a representation of the author’s beliefs or values. It is also important to approach the content of this story with an open mind and understand that it is a work of fiction meant for entertainment purposes only. If you choose to continue reading, please do so with caution and an understanding that the views expressed are solely those of the characters and not the author. ย The story is purely fictional and any resemblance to real-life events or individuals is purely coincidental. The reader’s discretion is advised.




Once upon a time, there was a 22-year-old caucasian privileged, and entitled college woman named Brittany, she is currently majoring in International Relations and doing a minor in psychology. She had everything any person of her age could ever want fancy parties, popularity, jacked boyfriends, rich parents, sports cars, expensive clothes you name it! But she still felt like there was something missing in her life. So, on her summer break, she decided to join an NGO and travel to Africa to help an indigenous tribe. After all, not only visiting Africa to help an indigenous tribe would be an interesting adventure, but it would also look quite good on her resume and help her land a job when she graduated from college. After all, American companies loved hiring people, who did volunteer work. She also thought that the volunteer job could also help her land her dream job of working as an Ambassador at some US Embassy in an exotic country someday, her wealthy dad already had the connections necessary to help her make this dream a reality, now all she needed was some in real-world experience, which was exactly what this volunteer job would be. Brittany dreamed of getting a job that would allow her to travel to exotic places all the time. She loved to travel around the world.

Brittany is your typical, spoiled, privileged white girl. Brittany’s physical traits could be described as the one of a caucasian blondie, with perfectly styled hair that looks like itโ€™s been done by a team of professional stylists. Her bright blue eyes are piercing and always seem to be looking for attention. Sheโ€™s tall and slender, with long legs and a perfect figure. She always wears the latest fashion trends and designer brands, as her wealthy parents have always provided her with everything she could ever want. Her skin is tanned, but not too much as she prefers to keep her skin protected from the sun. She has a permanent pout on her lips, and her facial expressions often convey a sense of entitlement and arrogance. Overall, Brittany is the epitome of a privileged, entitled, and self-absorbed white girl who probably dated the school’s quarterback star back when she was in High School and was the prom queen several years ago.

Before arriving in Africa, Brittany was assigned by a non-governmental organization, who arranged her trip and duties to work with the tribe’s shaman named Makeda. Britanny was supposed to work with Makeda in bringing food and supplies that the tribe was in dire need of. Brittany first took a 2 hours and 58 minutes flight from her home state Michigan to Florida, then she had to take a 15-hour flight from Miami to her destination in Africa. It was an exhausting trip, but since money wasn’t an issue for her and she didn’t want to fly in economy class because the seats were uncomfortable and the space was tight she used her wealth to upgrade her economy-class ticket to a first-class one. She was able to sleep well during her flight since her first-class seat turned into a bed and she ate and drank all the premium options available. Therefore, her trip wasn’t as exhausting as it was for economy and business class, thanks to her dad’s money.

Brittany arrived in Africa, her face shining with excitement as she exited the plane. While she waited for the airport bus to arrive and take them to the airport building she immediately pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of herself, making sure to capture the dusty African landscape behind her. With a grin, she typed out a caption to accompany the photo:

โ€œJust landed in Africa, ready to make a difference! So grateful for this opportunity to help the less fortunate. #blessed #privileged #volunteer #charity #makingadifferenceโ€

She hit post on her Instagram account and watched as the likes and comments started pouring in. โ€œYouโ€™re amazing!โ€ one comment read. โ€œSo inspiring!โ€ said another. Brittany beamed with pride, feeling like she was already making a difference simply by posting a photo of herself.

As Brittany got off the bus and looked at how inferior the infrastructure of the airport was compared to American ones she looked around and immediately felt disgusted by the poverty surrounding her. But then she saw Michael Whuzzdom, her NGO coordinator waiting for her, and her spirits lifted. She ran over to him, eager to introduce herself and start her volunteer work. Michael was impressed by Brittanyโ€™s enthusiasm and began to explain their plan to bring food and supplies to the tribe. For those who don’t know Michael Whuzzdom is a famous Canadian social activist and NGO volunteer. He is a well-known figure helping to fight poverty and put a halt to the extinction of African tribes.ย  His work and articles are very appreciated in international affairs circles. Brittany heard a lot about him during her International Affairs college classes.

But Brittanyโ€™s attention was quickly drawn away from Michael when she saw Makeda, the tribeโ€™s shaman. Upon her arrival, she met the wise and powerful female shaman, Makeda, who was also waiting for her at the airport. She was surprised to see that Makeda was a young and beautiful woman in her late twenties, she was expecting the tribe’s shaman to be a dirty old lady using worn-out clothes. But Makeda was the opposite of that she was young and seemed to worry about taking great care of her hygiene and beauty. Makeda was a stunning African woman, standing tall at 6 feet with a perfectly toned, athletic body that could make any man or woman drool. But it was her huge size 13 feet that truly stood out, with big gorgeous ebony soles that seemed to glow with a luscious shade of yellow on the bottom, and tops that were a rich, dark black, reminding one of the beautiful and mysterious continent of Africa. Her feet were smooth and wrinkle-free, making them the perfect canvas for anyone who wanted to worship and admire them. In other words, they were the dream of any foot fetishist who was into women with big feet.

Makedaโ€™s job as a Shaman was to act as a spiritual leader and healer for her African tribe. She was responsible for performing rituals, interpreting dreams, and using her knowledge of herbs and plants to heal the sick. However, she also used her position to gain power and control over the tribe, manipulating them for her own benefit. She was feared and revered by her people, but her true motives were always hidden beneath a veil of mysticism and deception. Although most of the time she proved that her deeds and actions were done solely with the purpose of helping her tribe survive in the modern world she also used her position to gain power and control over the tribe, manipulating them for her own benefit. She was feared and revered by her people, but her true motives were always hidden beneath a veil of mysticism and deception. Little did Brittany know back then that this beautiful African woman and her majestic feet were going to become her whole world in a few days.

Makeda was working with the NGO by coordinating with them the required supplies her tribe was in dire need of. Brittany couldnโ€™t help but feel a little jealous of Makedaโ€™s charm and grace, which only served to fuel her desire to prove that she was better than her in every way.

Brittany approached Makeda with a smile, but inside she was seething with jealousy. She tried to be friendly, but her insincerity was evident. Makeda, sensing Brittanyโ€™s entitlement and negative energy, decided to keep her distance and focus on her work with Michael. However, this beautiful African woman with gorgeous ebony feet would soon teach a lesson to entitled Brittany and become her whole world.

Afterward, Brittany, Michael, Makeda, and the other volunteers got inside a van and went to the NGO headquarters in this region. As she stared out the window of the Van, she was shocked by the poverty and living conditions of the city and indigenous people. Her cultural shock was kicking in. She quickly realized that her privileged and entitled lifestyle had made her blind to the realities of the world. As they arrived at the NGO headquarters Michael began to explain what the goals of his NGO were and what Brittany would be assigned to do during her time in Africa. As the days began to pass Brittany eventually got used to her surroundings and role in the NGO despite missing the infrastructure and food of the good old US Of A. However, instead of humbling herself and truly helping the tribe, she used the opportunity to take pictures and videos of herself doing โ€œcharitable workโ€ to post on social media, impress her friends back home, and grow the number of followers she had on Instagram and Youtube. She would do anything to make herself look good, even if it meant exploiting the very people she was supposed to be helping.

โ€œI canโ€™t wait to post these pictures and show everyone how much of a hero I am,โ€ Brittany said as she took selfies with the children of the tribe.

โ€œYouโ€™re doing great work, Brittany. Keep it up,โ€ said the NGO coordinator, who was oblivious to Brittanyโ€™s true intentions.

โ€œI know, right? Iโ€™m really making a difference here,โ€ Brittany said with a smirk. She knew that if she fell in Michael’s good graces she would be able to get a boost in her career and reputation. A letter of recommendation from the famous Michael would get her even closer to her dream of working at a US Embassy.

In reality, Brittany was only there to boost her own ego and advance her own career. She had no interest in truly helping the tribe and making a difference in their lives. She was simply using them as a means to an end. However, unlike Michael, who thought that Brittany had a good heart, Makeda’s intuition, instincts, and awareness were slowly picking up Britanny’s true intentions, but despite that, she had a good heart and wanted to believe that the volunteer work that Brittany was doing would eventually humble herself and make her a more down-to-earth kind of person. But little did Makeda know that Brittany was beyond redemption. Her heart was as cold as the ice in her cocktail glass. No amount of volunteer work or exposure to poverty and suffering in Africa could change her entitled, self-centered attitude. She was only pretending to care about the tribe to further her own interests and gain more social media followers. Makedaโ€™s good intentions would only lead her to disappointment in the end, as Brittany would never change her selfish ways.

One day Brittany went to the tribe’s camp with the NGO crew to deliver some supplies to them. She had her first confrontation with Makeda.

Brittany arrived at the tribeโ€™s camp with a big smile on her face, excited to fulfill her duties.

โ€œHello, everyone! Iโ€™m Brittany, some of you probably already know me for the last few days I’ve been teaching English to some of you and I always bring supplies to the tribe with my crew. Iโ€™m here again to bring your guys some more food and supplies as requested!โ€ she exclaimed, holding up a bag of goods.

The shaman, Makeda, approached her with a skeptical look.

โ€œYouโ€™re from the non-governmental organization, right?โ€ Makeda asked.

โ€œYes, thatโ€™s right! We met a few days ago at the airport. Do you remember me? Iโ€™m here to help your guys as much as possibleโ€ Brittany replied.

โ€œHelp? Do you think bringing us some measly bags of food and supplies will help us? You outsiders always come here thinking you can solve our problems with a few handouts,โ€ Makeda sneered.

Brittany was taken aback by Makedaโ€™s harsh tone. What was she doing? Makeda was well aware of the usual supply delivery that her NGO did to the tribe. After all, Makeda was the one who asked Michael for the delivery of more supplies. Brittany was puzzled by Makeda’s sudden aggressive attitude towards her.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry if I offended you. Iโ€™m just trying to do what I can to help,โ€ Brittany said.

Makeda scoffed. โ€œWell, if you really want to help, you can start by learning our ways and our customs. Only then will you be able to truly help us,โ€ she said.

Brittany felt a sense of frustration rise within her. She had come all this way to help, and now she was being criticized for not understanding their culture.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry, I didnโ€™t know. Iโ€™ll do my best to learn,โ€ Brittany said.

Makeda gave a smirk. โ€œGood. And if youโ€™re lucky, maybe Iโ€™ll even teach you some of our moreโ€ฆintimate customs,โ€ she said, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Brittany felt a shiver run down her spine, but she couldnโ€™t deny the feeling of excitement that came with the idea of learning something new.

โ€œIโ€™d like that,โ€ Brittany said with a grin.

As soon as she got back to the NGO headquarters she told Michael about the hostile attitude Makeda had when she delivered the supplies she asked for.

Michael furrowed his brows upon hearing Brittanyโ€™s report about Makedaโ€™s behavior.

โ€œThat doesnโ€™t sound like Makeda. Sheโ€™s always been respectful and welcoming to our volunteers. I wonder what could have triggered her,โ€ he mused.

Brittany shrugged. โ€œI donโ€™t know. Maybe sheโ€™s just having a bad day,โ€ she suggested.

Michael shook his head. โ€œI donโ€™t think so. Makeda has a good sense of intuition. Maybe sheโ€™s picked up on something that we havenโ€™t.โ€

Brittany rolled her eyes. โ€œOr maybe sheโ€™s just being difficult. She should be grateful that weโ€™re even here trying to help them,โ€ she said.

Michael gave her a stern look. โ€œBrittany, weโ€™re not here to impose our ways on the tribe. Weโ€™re here to provide aid and support, and to learn from them as well. Makeda has a point. We need to understand their culture and customs if we want to make a real difference,โ€ he said.

Brittany felt a pang of guilt in her chest. She knew Michael was right. She had come here with the intention of boosting her own ego and career, without truly understanding the needs and wants of the tribe.

“For centuries developed countries like ours exploited their land, took their resources, kidnapped their people, and imposed our ways while trying to completely eliminate any trace of their cultures and languages. They have every right to distrust us! What we are doing here is paying what we all owe to Africa and regaining their trust” said Michael still looking upset.

โ€œI understand,โ€ she said, looking down at her feet.

Michael placed a hand on her shoulder. โ€œItโ€™s okay. Weโ€™re all here to learn and grow. Letโ€™s try to approach Makeda again and see if we can work together,โ€ he said.

Brittany nodded, feeling grateful for Michaelโ€™s guidance and wisdom. Maybe there was more to this experience than just fulfilling her own selfish desires. Maybe she could truly make a difference in the lives of the tribe, and in her own life as well.

Nevertheless, Brittany started noticing that Makeda was slowly becoming more aggressive toward her. One day while she was helping to unload the NGO’s trucks of supplies and carry food to the tribe’s camp with other NGO volunteers. As usual, she was only helping because she wanted to impress Michael to get her recommendation letter and to take pictures and videos of herself doing some volunteer work, so she could post them on her social media profiles and show off how “selfless” she was to her followers. However, the reality was far different from how she presented herself on the internet deep down she hated working in the sunlight and was getting angry about having to do these kinds of manual-labor activities besides teaching English to the tribe.

โ€œI canโ€™t believe I have to do manual labor in this scorching heat. My skin is going to be ruined! Why can’t I just teach English to them? I wasn’t born to work in these stupid menial tasks!โ€ Brittany complained to herself as she reluctantly carried a sack of rice on her head.

Makeda, the tribeโ€™s shaman, noticed Brittanyโ€™s lack of enthusiasm and willingness to work. She approached her with a stern expression on her face.

โ€œBrittany, I can sense that you are not here to help our tribe. You are only interested in showing off to your friends back home and becoming a famous personality on the internet at the cost of using us as mere props for your photos and videos as if we were some kind of film set for your selfish goals. If you donโ€™t start taking this seriously, I will not hesitate to tell Michael about your bad attitude, so he will send you straight back home!โ€ Makeda said firmly.

Brittany rolled her eyes and mumbled under her breath, โ€œWhat a buzzkill.โ€ She didnโ€™t care what Makeda said; she was not going to let anything ruin her chance of getting social media attention.

Things went on like this for the next few weeks. Brittany and the rest of the NGO would drop off some supplies to the tribe and spend the day helping them out. Brittany was also teaching English classes for the tribe. In order to avoid more conflict with Makeda she tried to stay away from her and avoid talking to her.

However, despite her efforts, Brittany couldnโ€™t shake off the feeling that she was only there to boost her own ego and advance her own career. She would often catch herself daydreaming about the recognition and praise she would receive once she returned to the States.

One day, while teaching an English class, Brittany was approached by one of the tribe members. The man, whose name was Kofi, seemed upset about something.

โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong, Kofi?โ€ Brittany asked.

โ€œWe need more than just English classes and supplies. We need help with our land and our crops. We need someone to teach us better farming techniques and give us advanced farming equipment, our land is dying, thanks to the dry weather!โ€ Kofi said.

Brittany felt a pang of guilt in her chest. Kofi was right. The tribe needed more than just handouts and basic English classes.

โ€œIโ€™ll see what I can do,โ€ Brittany said, feeling a newfound determination to truly make a difference in the tribeโ€™s lives. So, on this day when she went back to the NGO headquarters she explained to Michael the tribe’s current situation and how they needed better farming equipment, so they could become less dependent on supplies.

Michael listened intently as Brittany spoke, his expression thoughtful. After she finished, he nodded and said, “You’re right, Brittany. We need to do more to help the tribe become self-sufficient. I’ll see what I can do to get some advanced farming equipment and find someone who can teach them better techniques.”

Brittany felt a sense of relief wash over her. She was grateful to have a boss who was willing to listen and take action to make a real difference in the lives of the people they were trying to help.

“Thank you, Michael. I think this will make a huge difference for them,” she said, feeling hopeful for the first time in a while.

Michael smiled at her. “You’re doing great work here, Brittany. You’ve surpassed my expectations, and I’m really proud of you.”

Brittany felt a surge of pride and gratitude at Michael’s words. Although she was still more worried about becoming famous on the internet at the cost of the tribe’s needs she was determined to continue making a difference and helping the tribe in any way she could.

However, one day as Brittany and Makeda were riding on an NGO’s van on their way to the tribe’s camp a few miles the van’s engine suddenly stopped working in the middle of the African Savannah a few miles away from the tribe’s camp. Feeling bored Brittney decided to check out what was going on in her social media accounts and post more photos of her so-called “good deeds” for the African people, but as soon as she tried to access them she noticed there was no internet connection and she threw a temper tantrum!

Brittany whined, โ€œWhat is going on? I have no signal, no internet, nothing. I canโ€™t believe I wonโ€™t be able to post about my humanitarian mission on Instagram. This is terrible! My life is so over!!!!! I hate my life!!!!โ€

When Makeda noticed Brittany throwing a temper tantrum she got furious, this was the last straw for Makeda. Eventually, Makeda grew tired of the entitlement and selfishness in Brittany’s spirit and decided to teach her a lesson. She architected a plan to put a spell on Brittany, which would make her obsessed with Makeda’s ebony feet and her beautiful banana-colored soles.

Makeda rolled her eyes and thought to herself, โ€œThis privileged little brat is only here to make herself look good on social media. She has no idea what it means to help people without expecting anything in return.โ€

Makeda tried to hide her amusement at Brittanyโ€™s pathetic outburst, but she couldnโ€™t help feeling annoyed by the girlโ€™s entitlement.

โ€œI’m tired of those stupid rich pricks from developed countries…. digital nomads, YouTubers, influencers, and bloggers you name it! They all come in here thinking they are some kind of white savior and to show off how ‘nice’ they are to the poor people of Africa to their internet followersโ€ Makeda angrily thought while staring at Brittany’s cringe outburst for not having an internet signal in the middle of the African savanna.

Makeda was growing tired of receiving foreign volunteers who came to Africa not because they really cared and wanted to help her tribe’s shortage of supplies and food, but rather because they wanted to use their volunteer job as a vessel to profit and reach fame on the internet by self-promoting themselves as being well-intentioned people that cared about the problems poor Africans faced.

“This dumb blondie is soon gonna learn that she is not the hotshot that she thinks she is or that she wants her internet followers to think so” She decided that it was time to teach Brittany a lesson and put her in her place. Makeda whispered an incantation under her breath and blew a handful of dust toward Brittany.

Brittany felt a strange tingling sensation all over her body, but she brushed it off as the heat of the African sun. She didnโ€™t notice that her feet had suddenly become incredibly itchy.

โ€œUgh, what is going on with my feet?โ€ Brittany moaned as she started to scratch them frantically. โ€œThey feel like theyโ€™re on fire!โ€

Makeda smiled wickedly as she watched Brittanyโ€™s reaction. The curse was working perfectly. Brittany had no idea that she had been cursed and was completely unaware of what was happening to her.

Makeda decided to play along with Brittanyโ€™s drama queen antics and offered her some soothing ointment for her feet.

โ€œI have just the thing for you, my dear,โ€ she said, pulling out a small jar of ointment from her bag. โ€œThis will help relieve the itching.โ€

“Come to my hut and I will happily take care of your feet injury,” Makeda said with a devilish smile on her face. Little did Brittany know back then that Makeda was about to use her shamanic powers to curse her and make her addicted to her feet.

Brittany accompanied Makeda on foot to the tribe’s camp which was a few miles away from where their van’s engine stopped working as they arrived at the tribe’s camp Makeda took Brittany to her hut and when they were inside she gratefully took the jar from Makeda and started to apply the ointment to her feet. As she did, she got on her knees and couldnโ€™t help but notice how smooth and beautiful Makedaโ€™s feet were.

โ€œLet me show you something,โ€ Makeda said with a sly smile. โ€œCome closer.โ€

โ€œWow, your feet are so pretty,โ€ she said, almost involuntarily.

Makeda smirked, knowing that her curse was working perfectly. She had managed to make Brittany obsessed with her feet and there was no going back.

Brittany walked over to Makeda, not suspecting a thing. As soon as she was close enough, Makeda placed her foot on Brittanyโ€™s lap. Brittany was taken aback by the size of Makedaโ€™s feet, but also couldnโ€™t help but feel a strange sensation in her body.

โ€œDo you feel that, Brittany?โ€ Makeda asked with a smirk. โ€œThatโ€™s the power of my feet. I can make you feel things you never even knew were possible.โ€

Brittany was mesmerized by the scent of Makedaโ€™s feet and the feeling of her toes on her lap. She couldnโ€™t resist the urge to touch and smell them, and Makeda knew she had her right where she wanted her.

“From now on you are going to live with me in my hut tending and serving my every need and of course worshiping my beautiful ebony feet. Forget about the fancy room and good western food you got back in your NGO headquarters. Today when your van gets fixed and you go back to your NGO building you are going to pack your bags and tell your coordinator, Michael, that you got invited to live with us by the tribe’s shaman did I make myself loud clear?” Makeda said with a devilish grin while maneuvering Brittany to lie on the ground of her hut by holding her head with both of her feet. As soon as Brittany was on the ground Makeda started to aggressively rub her foot soles on Brittany’s face mashing her face with her huge soles.

“Yes, my African queen Makeda, your command is loud and clear. I will do as you say without hesitation, no matter how demeaning or humiliating the task may be. It’s time for me to learn my place as a submissive servant to the powerful shaman of the tribe.” Brittany said with her voice a bit muffled by Makeda’s soles resting on her face

Brittany tried to resist at first, but the sensation of Makeda’s dominant feet on her face was too much for her to handle. She felt herself getting aroused as Makeda continued to rub her feet all over her face, leaving her feeling completely humiliated and powerless.

“Yes, that’s it. Embrace your new role as a foot slave to the powerful shaman. Your old life is behind you now, and all that matters is serving Makeda and her tribe.” Makeda said while laughing nonstop and continuing to rub her soles on Brittany’s angelic face.

Brittany couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She had come to the tribe with good intentions, but now she was completely under Makeda’s control. She knew that she had no choice but to obey, no matter how degrading it felt.

As Makeda continued to rub her foot soles on Brittany’s face, Brittany felt a strange sensation building up inside of her. She felt a mixture of humiliation and arousal as she began to find herself attracted to Makeda’s dominating presence. Without even realizing it, Brittany found herself leaning in and kissing Makeda’s feet, taking in the scent of her sweat and feeling the texture of her skin against her lips.

Makeda let out a low, satisfied laugh as she felt Brittany’s submissive behavior. “Yes, that’s it,” she said, continuing to rub her feet against Brittany’s face. “You know your place now, don’t you? Under my feet, serving me however I see fit.”

Brittany could feel herself becoming more and more turned on as she kissed and sniffed Makeda’s feet. She felt a sense of shame wash over her, but she couldn’t help herself. She was completely under Makeda’s control.

Makeda smiled down at Brittany, enjoying the power she held over her. “You will do whatever I say, won’t you?” she said, her voice low and seductive. “You belong to me now, my little pet.”

When Brittany arrived at the NGO building at night she packed her bags and went straight into Michael’s office to tell him her news she was completely under Makeda’s spell.

“Michael! I have some news to share with you,” she said, her voice brimming with excitement, thanks to Makeda’s curse.

“Oh, Brittany! What is it? Did something happen with the tribe? Are they okay?” Michael asked, concerned.

“No, no, everything’s fine with the tribe. Actually, they invited me to live with them in their village!” Brittany exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

Michael was silent for a moment, clearly processing the news. “Wow, Brittany, that’s amazing! Few people get the privilege to live with them and learn their ways. This just shows how much they appreciate your hard work and dedication to the NGO project. You’re surpassing my expectations!”

Brittany beamed with pride. “Thank you, Michael. I’m really looking forward to this new experience. And don’t worry, I’ll still be working for the NGO, just from a different location.”

Michael chuckled. “Of course, of course. I have no doubt that you’ll continue to be an invaluable member of our team, no matter where you are. I knew you would surprise me, Brittany! Just keep me updated on how things are going, okay?”

“Absolutely, Michael. Thanks for being so supportive,” Brittany replied before closing his door and taking a van to ride her back to the tribe’s camp.

Over the next few days, Makeda continued to manipulate Brittany, making her more and more addicted to her feet every day. Brittany didnโ€™t even notice that she had stopped caring about the internet and social media altogether. All she could think about was Makedaโ€™s beautiful feet, and Makeda was more than happy to oblige. Brittany tried to resist the spell at first, but the more she fought it, the stronger it became. She found herself constantly drawn to Makeda’s feet, craving to touch and worship them. Makeda took advantage of Brittany’s weakness and made her into her own personal foot slave.

Brittany spent the rest of her time in Africa living with the tribe, doing chores with other tribe members at the end of the day she went straight inside Makeda’s hut and began serving Makeda and her feet, learning the ways of the tribe, and understanding the value of humility and gratitude.

One day after a tiresome day of teaching English to the tribe and helping them plant vegetable seeds Britany got inside Makeda’s hut, when she arrived she saw that Makeda was laying in her bed.

As Brittany approached Makeda’s feet resting in bed, she couldn’t resist the overpowering aroma of her sweaty, dirty feet. She immediately dropped to her knees and began to kiss and lick Makeda’s beautiful ebony soles, savoring every moment of her enslavement to the shaman’s feet. Makeda smiled wickedly, knowing that she had complete control over Brittany and could make her do anything she desired with just a simple wiggle of her toes.

Makeda, the shaman, chuckled darkly as she watched Brittany’s desperate attempts to get closer to her feet. She wiggled her toes playfully, enjoying the sight of Brittany’s eyes following the movement.

“You want to kiss and sniff my feet, don’t you?” Makeda teased, her voice laced with wicked amusement. “You want to worship them like the foot slave you are.”

Brittany nodded eagerly, her eyes glued to the shaman’s feet. “Yes, please, Makeda,” she whimpered. “Please let me worship your beautiful feet.”

Makeda smirked, lifting her feet away from Brittany’s face. “Not yet,” she said. “You need to prove your worthiness first.”

Brittany’s heart sank, but she knew better than to argue with the shaman. “What do I need to do?” she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation.

Makeda gestured towards a pile of herbs and plants. “I need you to gather these ingredients for a special foot bath,” she said. “Bring them to me, and we’ll see if you’re worthy of my feet.”

Brittany nodded, jumping to her feet and eagerly gathering the ingredients. As she worked, she could feel the shaman’s eyes on her, watching her every move. She knew she had to impress Makeda if she wanted to be granted the privilege of worshiping her feet.

After gathering all the ingredients, Brittany brought them to Makeda and watched as the shaman mixed them together in a large bowl. Makeda then motioned for Brittany to kneel before her and gently placed her feet in the bowl.

“Clean them,” Makeda commanded, her voice low and authoritative.

Brittany eagerly took one of Makeda’s feet in her hands and began to massage it with the mixture. She breathed in the scent of the herbs and plants, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. As she worked, she could feel Makeda’s eyes on her, watching her every move.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Makeda spoke. “You may kiss them,” she said, lifting her feet out of the bowl.

Brittany’s heart leaped with joy as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to Makeda’s beautiful ebony soles. She breathed in their sweet scent and savored the taste of the mixture on her lips. For the first time in her life, she felt truly alive, truly fulfilled.

And she knew that from that moment on, she would always be Makeda’s foot slave.

On the weekends Britanny was allowed to take a break from her duties as an English teacher for the tribe and chores assigned to her by the tribe’s Shaman. However, she would spend the weekends inside Makeda’s hut serving her feet by massaging them, worshiping them, and humiliating herself for Makeda while she taunted her.

Makeda chuckled as she placed her feet on top of Brittany’s head, using her face as a footrest. The shaman wiggled her toes, feeling the warmth of Brittany’s breath as she leaned into her feet.

Brittany closed her eyes, feeling a rush of pleasure and submission wash over her. She took deep breaths, inhaling the scent of Makeda’s feet and feeling a sense of ownership as the shaman used her as a mere object for her own comfort.

Makeda smiled down at the blonde college student, feeling a sense of satisfaction from the power she held over her. She wiggled her toes again, watching as Brittany’s face contorted in pleasure at the sensation.

“You make a good footrest, my dear,” Makeda said with a laugh, enjoying the way Brittany’s body trembled at the sound of her voice.

Brittany moaned softly, her lips parting as she leaned further into Makeda’s feet. She had never felt so submissive, so owned. It was as if Makeda’s feet were the only thing in the world that mattered to her.

Makeda continued to use Brittany as her footrest, enjoying the power she held over the blonde college student. And Brittany, for her part, was more than happy to be at Makeda’s feet, serving her every whim.

As the night went on, Britanny was allowed to spend hours on her knees, worshipping Makeda’s beautiful feet. She eagerly sniffed and kissed every inch of the shaman’s ebony soles, relishing in the smell and taste of them. Makeda leaned back on her bed, enjoying the sensation of Britanny’s worshipful lips on her feet. She moaned in pleasure as Britanny massaged her toes, her arches, and the balls of her feet. The college girl was completely under Makeda’s spell, and she knew it. Makeda enjoyed the power she had over her new foot slave, and she planned to use it to her advantage to completely turn her into her little pet.

As Britanny knelt at the foot of Makeda’s bed, she couldn’t help but admire the stunning contrast of the shaman’s ebony feet. The tops were a rich, dark black, while the soles were a luscious shade of yellow that seemed to glow in the dimly lit room.

“They’re so beautiful,” Britanny whispered, her voice filled with awe and reverence.

Makeda smiled down at her foot slave, her eyes sparkling with amusement at the girl’s devotion. “Yes, they are,” she replied, her voice low and throaty. “My feet are a testament to the beauty and power of Africa.”

Britanny nodded, her eyes still fixed on the shaman’s feet. She reached out tentatively, her fingers trailing lightly over the smooth, warm skin of Makeda’s sole. The shaman’s foot twitched slightly, and Britanny froze, unsure of whether she had crossed a line.

But Makeda only chuckled. “Don’t be afraid,” she said. “My feet belong to you now. You can touch them, massage them, worship them, however, you wish.”

With a grateful smile, Britanny lowered her head and pressed her lips to the soft, yielding flesh of Makeda’s sole. The taste and smell of the shaman’s foot filled her senses, and she moaned with pleasure. For the first time in her pampered life, she felt truly alive, truly fulfilled. And she knew that she would do anything to keep serving her ebony goddess every day. It was as if Britanny was starting to truly enjoy being Makeda’s foot slave without being forced to do so by Makeda’s curse on her.

One day Britanny confessed to Makeda that she was enjoying so much being Makeda’s foot servant so that she wished she could stay in Africa for the rest of her life just so she could have Makeda’s glorious soles plastered upon her face 24/7.

Makeda chuckled at Britanny’s remark and said, “My dear, you have no idea what you’re asking for. Once you have experienced the true power and beauty of my feet, you will never be able to think of anything else. It will consume you, and you will become my willing foot slave forever.”

Britanny’s eyes widened in excitement as she looked up at the shaman’s face. “I know, and I want it. I want to be your devoted foot slave and worship your beautiful ebony feet for eternity,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Makeda smiled down at Britanny and placed her foot gently on the college student’s face, letting her toes wiggle and curl against her skin. “Then it shall be so, my dear. You are now my foot slave, and you shall serve me and my beautiful feet for the rest of your life.”

Makeda smirked as she listened to Brittany’s plea. She could see the desire in the girl’s eyes and knew that she had her right where she wanted her. “If that’s what you truly desire, my dear,” Makeda said in a husky voice. “Then I shall make it happen.”

Brittany gasped in excitement, unable to believe her luck. She watched as Makeda raised her feet up to her face, the beautiful yellow soles of her feet beckoning to her. Brittany closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, savoring the intoxicating scent of Makeda’s feet.

Makeda allowed Brittany to worship her feet for the rest of the night, feeling pleased with herself for having such a devoted foot slave. Brittany, on the other hand, was in heaven as she spent the entire night massaging, sniffing and kissing the Shaman’s beautiful feet. She knew that this was just the beginning of her journey as Makeda’s loyal foot slave.

While Brittany is worshiping Makeda’s beautiful ebony soles. Makeda tells how Britanny was finally learning where she truly belongs

Makeda let out a soft moan as Brittany continued to worship her ebony soles. “You’re finally learning where you truly belong,” she said, looking down at Brittany with a sense of superiority. “You are nothing more than a lowly foot slave, here to serve and worship my beautiful feet.”

Brittany nodded, her face still pressed against Makeda’s soles. “Yes, Shaman,” she whispered, “I belong at your feet, worshiping them for all eternity.”

Makeda smiled, enjoying the power she held over the young college woman. “Good,” she said. “Now, continue your worship.”

Brittany resumed kissing and licking Makeda’s feet, lost in her submission to the Shaman’s power. She knew she would do anything to please her, and she relished the feeling of being owned and controlled by Makeda.

One day after washing Makeda’s clothes on the river with soap and picking them up to give to Makeda after letting them dry for while. Brittany decided to explain to Makeda why she thought that her feet was so exotic and beautiful.

Britanny explains to Makeda that she thinks Makeda’s feet are so beautiful because of tops were a rich, dark black, while the soles were a luscious shade of yellow that seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. And also because her soles were so smooth since they didn’t have any wrinkles

“Oh my dear Britanny,” Makeda purred as she leaned back against the headboard of her bed, “you have such a keen eye for beauty. You see, the coloration of my feet comes from years of walking barefoot on the sun-kissed earth, and the smoothness you admire is due to the natural oils my body produces. You are truly fortunate to be able to worship at my feet, my dear.”

Britanny smiled adoringly at the shaman as she continued to kiss and caress her feet. “I feel so lucky, Makeda,” she said softly, “being able to serve and worship you brings me such joy.”

Makeda chuckled softly, “Yes, my dear, I can see that. You are learning your place in this world, and it is right here at my feet.”

Britanny was adjusting perfectly to her life in the tribe’s camp. However, her perfect part of the day was always when she could go back inside Makeda’s hut in order to start to serve her and sniff her glorious feet.

Britanny tells how good the natural scent of Makeda’s feet is that she wishes she could sniff her stinky feet forever

Makeda chuckled softly as Brittany continued to lavish her feet with worship. “You seem to be enjoying yourself quite a bit, my dear,” she said.

Britanny looked up at Makeda with a dreamy expression. “Oh, yes, Shaman. Your feet are just so beautiful. I love the dark black on top and the luscious shade of yellow on the soles. And the scent…it’s just heavenly. I wish I could sniff your stinky feet forever.”

Makeda raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Stinky? You find the natural scent of my feet to be…pleasing?”

Britanny nodded eagerly. “Yes, Shaman. It’s just so…intoxicating. I can’t get enough of it.”

Makeda smiled down at her foot slave, feeling a sense of satisfaction at how easily she had been able to control and manipulate the young blonde. “Well then, my dear. Perhaps you shall have the opportunity to indulge in the scent of my feet as much as you desire.”

Makeda traps Britanny’s noise in between her big toe and second toe. And Brittany becomes lost in an arousal trance from sniffing the glorious smell in between Makeda’s toes

Makeda felt a wave of dominance rush through her as she saw Brittany lost in an arousal trance from sniffing the glorious scent between her toes. She wiggled her toes a bit, trapping Brittany’s nose even more firmly between her big toe and second toe.

“Does my foot aroma make you feel weak, little one?” Makeda asked in a low voice.

Brittany moaned in response, her eyes half-closed in pleasure.

“Answer me,” Makeda demanded, pressing her toes harder against Brittany’s nose.

“Yes, oh goddess, it’s so intoxicating,” Brittany said, her voice trembling.

Makeda chuckled, feeling powerful and desired. She wiggled her toes again, enjoying the feeling of Brittany’s nose rubbing against the soft skin between them.

“You’re such a good foot slave,” Makeda said, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “You’re going to worship my feet every day from now on. Do you understand?”

Brittany nodded eagerly, her eyes still closed in ecstasy. She knew she was in deep trouble, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. All she wanted was to be at the feet of her goddess forever, lost in the hypnotic aroma of her perfect ebony soles.

Brittany loved when Makeda trapped her nose in between her toes for her it was like going to heaven when this happened. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and summer was almost over she only had a few more days left to have fun serving her African Goddesss Makeda. She wished that she could stay there forever in order to worship Makeda’s feet all the time. But unfortunately in a few days, she would have to go back home.

Brittany cries because she has to go back to the States and Makeda comforts her by telling her, that she will visit her in her dreams by using Shaman magic just so Brittany can keep worshiping her feet, while she is dreaming every night for the rest of her life

As the sun began to rise, Makeda gently removed her toes from Brittany’s nose, and the blonde slowly opened her eyes, tears streaming down her face.

“I don’t want to leave you and your beautiful feet,” Brittany sobbed.

Makeda softly stroked Brittany’s hair and said, “My dear, don’t cry. You will always have a special place in my heart. And I have a gift for you.”

Makeda whispered an incantation and placed her hand on Brittany’s forehead. Suddenly, Brittany felt a warmth spreading through her body, and she saw a vision of Makeda’s smiling face.

“From now on, every night, I will visit you in your dreams,” Makeda said. “You can worship my feet in your dreams, and I will always be with you.”

Brittany’s tears turned to smiles, and she hugged Makeda tightly.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Hold on a minute! Don’t go yet. I’ve got another goodbye reward for you, get on your knees.” Makeda said with affection.

“Will I finally be able to taste this African Goddess’s sweet nectar? I have been longing to do it for so long.” thought Brittany as she anxiously waited for her next reward.

Makeda looked down at Brittany with a wicked grin on her face. โ€œThatโ€™s right, my dear. My Shamanic power allows me to read minds. I know exactly what you are thinking my little naughty white girl. The answer is yes, you will finally get to taste my sweet nectar. But first, you have to earn it.โ€

Brittany eagerly got down on her knees, her heart pounding with excitement. Makeda lifted her skirt, revealing her private parts to Brittany.

โ€œStart licking,โ€ Makeda commanded, her voice laced with authority.

Without hesitation, Brittany began to lick and suck Makedaโ€™s private parts, reveling in the taste and smell of her. Makeda moaned with pleasure, her body writhing with ecstasy.

As Brittany continued to pleasure Makeda, she realized that this was what she had been missing all along. She had never felt so alive, so free, so in control. Makedaโ€™s power over her was intoxicating, and Brittany wanted more.

Makeda moaned and grabbed onto Brittanyโ€™s hair as she continued to pleasure her.

Brittany eagerly lapped at Makedaโ€™s private parts, savoring every moment of the experience.

As Makeda reached her climax, she pulled Brittany up and gave her a deep kiss.

As the night went on, Brittany continued to worship Makeda’s body with the intensity of a devoted acolyte. She lost track of time, but as the sun began to rise, she knew her time with Makeda was coming to an end.

“Thank you so much for this incredible experience, Makeda. I will never forget it,” Brittany said, still catching her breath.

Makeda smiled down at her, running her fingers through Brittany’s hair. “You have pleased me, Brittany. You are always welcome here, should you ever decide to return.”

Brittany’s heart swelled with happiness at the thought of returning to Africa to be with Makeda. “I will definitely consider it,” she said, rising to her feet.

โ€œYou are an incredible lover,โ€ Makeda said, breathlessly. โ€œBut now itโ€™s time for you to go back to your own world.โ€

Brittany nodded, feeling a mix of sadness and satisfaction.

โ€œThank you for everything,โ€ she said, hugging Makeda one last time.

โ€œRemember, you will always be welcome here,โ€ Makeda said with a sad tone in her voice, she was going to miss her devoted foot slave.

Makeda walked her to the door, and as they said their final goodbyes, Brittany couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. She knew she had to return to her old life in the States, but she would always cherish the memories of her time with Makeda.

As Brittany packed her bags and prepared to leave for the States, Makeda watched her go with a fondness in her heart. She knew that Brittany would never forget the time she spent worshiping Makeda’s feet and that the memory would stay with her forever.

As she made her way to the airport, Brittany couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the amazing adventure she had just experienced. She felt free and liberated as if she had shed her old self and emerged anew. The trip to this magical continent not only grew her knowledge of how culturally rich and diverse Africa was. The mystical land continent of Africa taught her to be a more down-to-earth kind of person aware that not everyone grew up in the same socio-economic condition and had the same opportunities as her. She was now more grateful for the quality of life she had back home and developed an understanding of how the world was unfair and unfortunately, many people lived down the poverty line and inequality existed. In other words, this trip was a redemption for the spoiled brat that she used to be.

As Brittany was about to board the plane, Michael Whuzzdom came running towards her with a big smile on his face. He hugged her tightly and said, “I’m going to miss you so much, Brittany! You have been such a valuable volunteer for our organization, and I am proud of everything you have accomplished during your time here in Africa.”

Brittany smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. She knew that Michael was a well-respected coordinator, and his recommendation letter would surely open many doors for her in the future. She thanked him graciously and hugged him again.

As Michael pulled away, he handed her an envelope. “I also want to give you this recommendation letter. It’s addressed to your university, and it will help you get college credit for your volunteer work here. And who knows, maybe it will even help you land a job at a US embassy someday.”

Brittany’s eyes widened in surprise and excitement. “Wow, Michael, thank you so much! I can’t believe you went through all this trouble for me.”

Michael smiled warmly. “It’s the least I can do for one of the best volunteers I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. Safe travels, Brittany, and keep doing great things in this world. There is too much suffering and inequality all over the world. We need more people like you to put faith and change in the life of those forgotten by society.”

“You know, when I first received your application for this summer internship everyone told me to deny your entrance into our program. They told me that you were a spoiled brat, that came from a wealthy family and you wouldn’t last a day here in Africa. But from the moment I first read your application, I knew you had that fire in your soul wanting to prove to everyone that they were wrong about you. And you did! I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me.” Michael said while smiling at her.

“I did? But how? I thought that I was just an average intern” Brittany asked puzzled and surprised by Michael’s affirmation.

“Brittany, you were the second person in several years to be invited to live with the tribe. The only other person who had the privilege to be invited was me when I first started this NGO chapter in this region in Africa a decade ago. Their tribe is deeply distrustful of outsiders but you were able to win their hearts with your character and honesty! That’s exactly what diplomacy and international affairs are all about Brittany! Great things await you. I’m sure you will have a promising career being a diplomat or coordinating an NGO just like me. ” Michael answered with a grin on his face.

Brittany boarded the plane with a newfound sense of pride and purpose. She knew that this experience had opened many doors for her, and she couldn’t wait to see where it would lead her next.

But as she boarded the plane and waved goodbye to her Canadian friend, she knew that life would never be the same again.

As the plane ascended and left the airport, Brittany gazed out the window, taking in the stunning view of Africa below her. The sprawling savannahs, the lush forests, and the majestic mountains all looked like a dream. She felt a sense of awe and wonder as she watched the landscape unfold beneath her.

To make the moment even more perfect, she put on Toto’s “Africa” on her Spotify playlist and closed her eyes, humming along to the music. She felt like she was in a movie, living out her own adventure in a far-off land. The song’s lyrics about the continent she was now flying over made her feel even more connected to the land below.

As the plane continued to soar above the clouds, Brittany felt a sense of freedom and excitement wash over her. She was leaving her privileged self behind forever and immersed herself in a world that was entirely different from what she knew when she first arrived here. As the plane got higher the beautiful view of the African continent faded and was replaced by clouds, tears start falling from Brittany’s eyes, and she quickly wipes them away, not wanting anyone to see her vulnerability. She puts on her designer sunglasses and turns up the volume on her Spotify playlist. Her time spent here was well-spent and taught her valuable life lessons that she would never forget. It was like a breath of fresh air, and she couldn’t wait to tell her family and friends all that she learned during her time in Africa.

Makeda had opened her eyes to a whole new world of pleasure and desire, and Brittany couldn’t wait to explore it further. Fortunately, Makeda was true to her word and used her Shamanic powers to visit Brittany in her dreams every night, bringing her feet to be worshiped and allowing her to continue serving as Makeda’s loyal foot slave, even from afar. Brittanyย returned to her privileged life a changed woman, with a newfound appreciation for the simple things in life, like the feel of dirt between Makeda’s toes and the smell of Makeda’s sweat on Makeda’s feet soles.

And as for Makeda, she continued to use her magic to punish and teach a lesson to those who dared to disrespect her or her people. Beware, for her wrath knows no bounds.


As Brittany returned to the States, she couldn’t stop thinking about Makeda and her beautiful feet. She tried to move on with her life but found herself constantly daydreaming about being back in Africa, kneeling at the foot of Makeda’s bed to sniff and kiss her perfect wrinkle-free smooth soles.

But one day, Brittany received an unexpected visitor. It was Makeda, who had traveled all the way to the States just to see her. Brittany was overjoyed to see Makeda again and to be able to worship her beautiful ebony feet once more.

Makeda stayed with Brittany for several months, during which time they fell deeply in love. They spent their days exploring the city, partying hard, and their nights worshiping each other’s bodies, with Brittany always eager to lavish attention on Makeda’s perfect feet.

Eventually, Makeda had to return to Africa, but they promised to stay in touch and to see each other again soon. Brittany knew that her life would never be the same without Makeda, but she was filled with hope and happiness knowing that they would always be connected through their love for each other and their shared passion for Makeda’s perfect feet.

A few years later Brittany got her dream job of working at a US Embassy, she was able to pick the US mission in the exact country where she did the volunteer job that made her cross paths with Goddess Makeda for the first time a few years ago. She finally reunited with her old friend and vowed to worship her pretty big ebony feet every day.

The End

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